
2020.10.16 TK ENGLISH RADIO 開局!

 高崎北高校「高崎北高校あららぎプロジェクト2020 英語プレゼン・即興力トレーニング」の取組の1つとして、「TK ENGLISH RADIO」が開局しました!

 第1回 10月16日(金)昼休み13時頃~15分程度
 第2回 10月23日(金)〃
 第3回 10月30日(金)〃
 第4回 11月  6日(金)〃
 第5回 11月13日(金)〃


"TK ENGLISH RADIO" has opened as one of the efforts of Takasaki Kita High School "Takasaki Kita High School Araragi Project 2020 English Presentation / Improvisation Training"!
"English presentation / improvisation training" is in the process of starting programs such as extensive reading in English, broadcasting in English, and interaction with international students with the aim of creating high-ranking students who can speak English well. With the cooperation of our ALT, Brianna, we will start broadcasting English every Friday during the lunch break with the students of the English Presentation / Improvisation Training Committee.

1st October 16th (Friday) Lunch break 13:00 to 15 minutes
2nd October 23rd (Friday) 〃
3rd October 30th (Friday) 〃
4th November 6th (Friday) 〃
5th November 13th (Friday) 〃

After the 4th examination, it will continue to be broadcast every Friday. Stay tuned! (Principal) 

高北ALT ブリアナさんがMC。
Takakita ALT Brianna is the MC.

Every Friday at lunch break,
We broadcast using school broadcasting system.

English Presentation / Improvisation Training Committee
are in charge on a weekly basis.